Tracy Ganem – Registered Dietician

“Hello, everyone! I’m excited to be your dietician throughout this, your successful weight loss journey. I’ve been a dietician for over 25 years and my calling is helping my patients lose weight and learn how to keep it off.
Not surprisingly, my passion stems from my own personal struggles with weight. As a kid, I was overweight, picked last for teams, and endured negative comments about my weight that impacted my body image. In middle school, I started dieting with whatever was the fad diet of the week. My weight went up and down, but I was never pleased with it or myself. These experiences, though painful, set me on a path of learning all I could about the science of nutrition and weight loss starting with my college courses at Auburn University.
As your weight loss dietician, currently the only Board Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management in Alabama, I am here to encourage you, educate you, listen to you, and walk alongside you. Judgement and shame have no place in your weight loss journey with me as your dietician. I will be your coach, cheerleader, and teammate; together we are better.”
Tracy Ganem is a registered and licensed dietician with a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Foods. She is also the only Board Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management in the state of Alabama.