Prior to surgery, I didn’t let myself get in front of the camera often. Now I’m confident in the spotlight! I’m so thankful to Dr. Daniel Boyett and Huntsville Weight Loss for helping me on my weight loss journey!
– Auburn
I am sorry to say I absolutely cringe at my before photos. I’m so thankful for Dr. Daniel Boyett! He’s really given me my sense of self back; I had a problem that got away from me and now I feel in control again.
– Shane

I started at 285 pounds and now I’m down to 146 pounds! It has been the best decision I’ve ever made! Dr. Daniel Boyett and his team created a plan specific to me and it’s changed my life!
– Kim
I struggled with my weight since my 30’s after having my 3 children. I turned 50, was borderline diabetic, and had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, horrible acid reflux and the aches and pains that come from being overweight. I knew I needed to make a life change; I did all the diets and nothing worked long term.
I met Dr. Boyett through a mutual friend and instantly knew he was the right surgeon for me. He took the time to discuss the procedure and explained everything I would need to do to make it successful on my end. He explained that this was a tool and I had to put in the work. After the procedure, I got up and started walking and moving and I haven’t stopped since. I had zero complications and no pain from the surgery. The support and guidance from Dr. Boyett and his staff have been huge factors in my success. I have lost a total of 115 pounds along with the high blood pressure, diabetes, acid reflux and the aches and pains. I have gained a healthier body, a love for exercise, a new relationship with food and so much more! I wish I would have made this decision years ago!
– Katie

December 7, 2021 was the day I got a second chance at a healthy life. Before that day I thought I was living life but I slowly realized I was just surviving. I had decided I was going to have the gastric sleeve with Dr. Daniel Boyett after much research. Prior to the surgery I had lost 20lbs but was at a standstill and had always struggled with my weight and thyroid issues. I always wanted to be an adventurous person, but at over 295 pounds the scale determined what I could do.
It’s ironic the simple things in the life of an average-sized person takes for granted because they do not understand the life of a heavyset person. Prime example is being treated like a “normal person” rather than a fat person. I didn’t want to believe that people treated me differently, but the more weight I lost the nicer and more accepting people were of me. I’ve lost 101.5 pounds in 7 months and, for the first time in my life, the number on the scale isn’t stopping me from doing anything I have always dreamed of doing.
Because of my second opportunity at a new life and the tools Dr. Boyett and his staff has given me with this surgery, I have my life on track. I’m no longer on blood pressure medications and I no longer have to sleep with a C-PAP machine. I no longer have pain in my feet, knees, and back, which prior to surgery was a disabling feeling. My energy is through the roof and I’ve never felt better mentally, physically, and emotionally. I went from a 2-3X to a size M/L in tops and from a 20-22 in pants to a 10/12. I can never thank Dr. Boyett and his team enough for all their support and nutritional education. It’s taken my hard work and dedication, but without this tool and the support he’s given me I would have never made it this far. My journey isn’t over yet, but I am finally living my best, healthiest life.
– Linda
Let me tell you, having the gastric sleeve was the best decision I could have made. Dr. Boyett was the best. I weighed 288 pounds and lost 133 pounds. I’m now down to 155 pounds! I feel better and it’s been life changing. If you have doubts, trust me it’s worth it!
– Josie

Working with Dr. Daniel Boyett and his team has helped me more than I ever thought! I’m so thankful for the team at Huntsville Weight Loss.
– Ashlynn
I had struggled a majority of my life with the yo-yo of weight loss. I had tried all the diets, pills, and even going to the gym, but nothing ever helped keep the weight off no matter how hard I tried. I would drop 30 pounds only to end up putting it back on, plus an extra 20 pounds. After years of struggling and feeling miserable in my everyday life, I started researching weight loss surgery. For awhile I wasn’t sure if it was something I would be able to do, so I put it off for a few years until 2021. After watching a friend go through weight loss surgery and hearing how much her quality of life had improved, I decided that maybe I should continue my research and look into having the surgery myself.
I finally scheduled my consultation with Dr. Boyett. Best decision I’ve ever made. At this point I weighed the heaviest I ever had at 290 pounds. I was embarrassed with myself and was so unhappy. I wanted this more than anything. Now 13 months post-operation, I am down to 160 pounds. In the beginning I would have been happy with just dropping 100 pounds, but here I am 130 pounds down and still slowly dropping a couple pounds a month.
Would I do this again? Absolutely! Don’t let your age, starting weight, or others opinions keep you from doing something that you know will greatly benefit your life in the long run. You got this!
– Anna

Schedule Your Consultation Today!
To learn more about revisional surgery options, contact us online or call ☎ (256) 880-4510 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Daniel Boyett.