Revisional Bariatric Surgery

When is Revisional Surgery Needed?

Weight loss surgeries have improved drastically over the last several years as techniques have become less invasive and produce better outcomes with fewer complications. Dr. Daniel Boyett offers different types of revisional weight loss surgeries based on the individual needs of the patient.The gastric sleeve or vertical sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive weight loss procurement. It is one of the most common weight loss procedures in the US and has been shown to have excellent results. This surgery has been shown to drastically change the hormonal communication back to the brain which helps to change the patient’s relationship with food and metabolism.

Reasons for revisional surgery vary. Some patients require revision for severe reflux or a hiatal hernia. Some patients develop weight regain many years down the road. Of course, the appropriate options for the treatment of these issues are very individualized and depend on the original surgery performed and the problem that has arisen. In some cases of weight regain, revisional surgery can help reset your metabolism and allow you to achieve a much healthier weight. Many times, revisional procedures can be done endoscopically or via “incisionless” procedures.

Dr. Daniel Boyett specialized in minimally invasive and advanced techniques in both primary and revisional surgery during his fellowship at Johns Hopkins University and is excited to offer a treatment option to patients with these complicated problems.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

To learn more about revisional surgery options, contact us online or call ☎ (256) 669-3638 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Daniel Boyett

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